History and memory are in different ways a construction, like photography, and do not represent
or tell what immediately appears, but rather what we wish to preserve, reveal, or reflect on.
Monuments dedicated to women who played a public role or who gained a noteworthy
position in the public sphere, be they ones known, unknown, or forgotten, are undoubtedly
unlikely, just like many of the spaces where they are placed in this series, which is simply an
imaginary catalogue, like the monuments themselves.
What is also proposed is a reflection on the meaning of “monument,” on how we are
remembered and how we would like to be represented: perhaps through other forms than the
patriarchal ones monuments have taken on.
The catalogue is presented as an excerpt and the series is ongoing. Even the gaps and
the cataloguing itself may be filled or continued through proposals, making this cataloguing
process collaborative. People are indeed encouraged to find other connections with the places.
All these monuments are imagined in Bologna, Italy, the regional capital of Emilia-Romagna,
with a population of 392,017, an urban area of 140.73 per sq. km and a population density of
2,783 per sq. km. Bologna is often referred to as the Fat, the Red and the Learned thanks to its
good food, the colors of its buildings or its past as the most famous communist town council in
Western Europe and its deeply rooted academic tradition.
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