“Retaguardia” is a project that portrays post-pandemic youth immersed in the underground subcultures of Madrid. These are young people who embrace the sounds and aesthetics of past decades while establishing a connection with the generations that were part of those scenes.
The project includes two time periods: on the one hand, the one lived by the author himself three decades ago; and on the other, the current moment, where he coexists with young people who once again reclaim the aesthetics of those minorities and relive their dilemmas.
By producing original images and using portraiture, the author reflects on identity, the need for belonging, and social transversality. His objective is to capture the essence of that community of young people; the result is a project where diversity flourishes strongly.
Some of the most powerful images of the 20th and 21st centuries have emerged from engagement with communities outside the mainstream.
“Retaguardia” explores how photography relates to this topic, connecting with the work of creators such as Bruce Davidson, Larry Clark, Jim Goldberg, Mary Ellen Mark and Chris Steele-Perkins.
The project raises questions about the meaning of inhabiting these subcultures and the role that photographers have played in representing these minorities.