A braid of highways and electricity pylons move in tandem through the city: loops and squiggles, lines perpendicular and oblique. Beginning from distant sources, they briefly intersect and diverge, forming - here - a nexus just beyond the river with its new developments and nascent high-rises. Billboards beam nothingness along off-ramps and tributaries; billboards posted on concrete freeway pylons without a pedestrian audience, just the reflection of this empty land in some perpetual state of becoming that slowly emerges from stasis: the promise of development. However, the substations, data centres, concrete slag grinders, the tracing of traffic four storeys above, the silent passage of volts, the slow movements of construction are not static here, but in constant transaction. In time the towers will come - they are already being prepared - residential and commercial, each supplanting each other with new anonymity, each an index of capital growth and debt, of invisible global forces…of speculative value. While the vacant lots of weeds and broken concrete will be subsumed by construction, the infrastructure will remain. Clearly heard at night, the machinic codes of data and sound here will remain oblivious to its new occupants, their languages encrypted by their own abstractions.