The word “stop” contains the essence of photography because the freeze-frame can describe death. In contrast, photography is a subjective behavior when pausing the stop key. In this way, when the on-camera scene and the content contained, that is the stopped life co-frequency, will form a cycled looped in stop status. Among them, the frozen time and the frozen life raise the question of what death is. What are Death Images? How do we prove the dialectical and contradictory relationship between the end of life and the preservation of photography?
When mentioning something related to death in daily life, people tend to hide the truth and lie to each other. After a photographer’ s mother died of breast cancer and pancreatic cancer in the late stage, the father and maternal grandmother, as family members, chose to hide the close relationship that had broken after the mother's death, and decided to quickly move out of the old house where they had lived together. Although the pain and sorrow are obvious, they choose to avoid and ignore them.
However, photography, as an upward channel with expansion properties, carries a private space that fits between the images of life and death, thereby generating natural resonance. Starting from her self-consciousness, the photographer decides to reveal the truth of death in daily life, capturing and documenting her mother's process of passing, and organizing the pathological imagery from her mother's illness to death. Subsequently, the photographer took images of family members and the old house, attempting to break the barriers and obstacles that create a disconnection between herself and the external world regarding the topic of death and intimate relationships.
“Lies in stopping” employs a clock as a metaphor and link, connecting the themes of time and life, linking the beginning and stasis of time with the blossoming and ending of life, prompting contemplation on the notion that life resides in stop. This practice explores new pathways to sort through and reconstruct family relationships through photography after losing a loved one. It also establishes a visual space for discussion between the audience and themes of death, body, and family, promoting a positive and constructive cycle. Furthermore, it emphasizes the healing function of imagery concerning the psychological and emotional trauma carried by death.