The alert levels for the Campi Flegrei describe the state of activity of the volcano and mark the time that precedes a possible resumption of eruptive activity. The transition from one alert level to the next is established on the basis of the variations of the monitored parameters and any ongoing phenomena.
There are four alert levels:
green level
yellow level
orange level
red level
In consideration of the phenomena and the hazard assessments made available by the Competence Centers, the Civil Protection Department declares the alert levels in close coordination with the civil protection structure of the Campania Region, having heard the opinion of the Major Risks Commission - Volcanic Risk Sector.
The consequent actions that must be undertaken by the National Civil Protection Service are defined in the operational phases (attention, pre-alarm and alarm) foreseen in the civil protection planning. The pre-alarm and alarm phases are declared by the President of the Council of Ministers.
Currently the alert level for the Campi Flegrei is yellow and the operational phase adopted is "attention".
In 2005, a new phase of uplift of the Campi Flegrei caldera began, which is still ongoing. To date, the maximum uplift value reached, in February 2024, in Rione Terra in Pozzuoli (the point of maximum deformation of the caldera) is approximately 121 cm, of which 88 cm since January 2016. From January 2023 to February 2024, the uplift recorded is 20 cm.
Since 2018, this phenomenon has been accompanied by a gradual increase in seismic activity, both in the number of earthquakes and in their magnitude.
Seismicity in 2023.
During 2023, although the greatest number of events were characterized by low magnitudes (about 90% of the events had magnitudes lower than 1.0), a new increase in the frequency of earthquakes was recorded. Most of these occurred in the area between Astroni, Solfatara-Pisciarelli-Agnano, Pozzuoli and the Gulf of Pozzuoli, with maximum depths of about 4 km, mainly concentrated in the first 2 km. The sequence culminated with the events of 27 September (Md=4.2) and 2 October (Md=4.0), located respectively in the area between Bagnoli and Pozzuoli and in that of Pisciarelli – Solfatara.