Trnávka, as a part of the city inhabited by working-class families, the unemployees and poverty, was the object of sociological research during the twenties of the last century. Jaromír Funke photographed it in his critical search engine as "bad living". Today, the local part Trnávka in Bratislava in Slovakia is being captured by Lukačovičová, where she actually lives. In this district with the reputation of a wild periphery. She passes through her own space. She observes it and finds in its transformations, (inter)spaces, public spaces, unexpected situations. Places that are not coherent and monotonous but organized and chaotic at the same time. Photographer also presents her photos to public by placing them in the Vitrine Gallery and online on the lonely_planet_trnavka Instagram account, which functions as an inconspicuous Baedeker mapping the corners of this district. With minimal gestures and his regular contributions, she draws attention to the intensive process of gentrification and intervenes in wider social events, economic, political, artistic and cultural problems, too. She is aware of opportunities absence for cultural enjoyment, but also the transformation of the rural-urban environment.