With this project I wanted to tell the story of the growth of an oak tree from its beginning, an acorn, to its death, very quickly, during a very hot summer.
For four years I documented in 6x6 format (here the digital scan of the negatives) every evolution of it and so I began to think that this oak tree could somehow say something about me too: I modified and changed with it, sometimes so slowly, like when growth stops during the winters and then, a new leaf a day during the spring, it starts growing again.
Until in the summer of its fourth year, following a period of drought, the oak dried up. For a year I left it in its pot waiting for it to recover, but it didn’t. It was there looking at me and I thought "come on, now it's going to put out a new leaf and start growing again" and instead no, it was actually dead.
So I made up my mind, I said a final goodbye and I planted a new plant in its pot, a hazel tree, which in a short time grew and is now becoming strong and is already struggling to stay in this pot.
This oak and this hazel tree have accompanied me and are still accompanying me and every time I think of them, I think that I am grateful for having allowed me to focus on my changes alongside theirs. Change happens slowly and to see it you have to sharpen your attention and train yourself to understand it and welcome it, even in the most closed and unsuspected places, like in a vase on the third floor of a city apartment.