In this project, there is an attempt, from an ontological perspective, to travel back in time to the Neolithic period of the Iberian Peninsula, establishing a relationship between artificial constructions and their symbolic value with animism. By recovering notions associated with minerals that carry historical significance, a myriad of unique formations and structures (uranic and chthonic) are recorded that open the way to a multifaceted hermeneutic. Sometimes, these monuments appear to enclose themselves, and their muteness is evident when subjected to interpretative rhizomes around the 'leitmotif' of their edification. Also, a funerary and votive dimension is evoked by a soft evanescence. Guiding the observer through a ghostly veil, which portrays the territory as almost supernatural, the visual narrative suggests a return to the notion of a sacralised Cosmos that mirrored the perception of the world among the ancient peoples of Western Europe. The archaeological sites were always captured during the day, emphasising the role of the sun as an "entity" of paramount significance for Stone Age man, whose fixation and astonishment derived from the 'participation mystique'.