The Apennines have been the backbone of the Italian territory for centuries, a complex crossroads of economic and cultural exchanges between coastal areas and inland plains.
The cultural and environmental heritage on which much of Italy's identity and memory is based is still present in the Apennine valleys.
Since the Second World War, however, these territories have been depopulated at a dizzying rate, so much so that large areas of the most internal ones are now abandoned, with serious damage to the economy and the environment.
And if today on the Apennines as a whole, despite everything, about 10 million inhabitants still resist, the social and environmental consequences of the abandonment of these territories is devastating.
the purpose of this work is not to tell the story of the Apennines as an
idealized place.
Giving value to the Apennines means first of all "looking" with different eyes at this territory and those who have chosen to live there, fleeing from the exotic or from aestheticizing and consolatory temptations.
The Apennines need to regain greater awareness of their own potential and resources.