The series Megalomania – Delusions of Grandeur is a photographic project about the property boom in Spain and the consequences of the financial crisis in 2008. The series documents abandoned construction sites from the time of the financial crisis. Nowadays, more than a decade later, one can still find many of these unfinished sites scattered over Spain.
In the beginning of 2000 there was a huge increase of construction investments, better known as the “property boom”. Construction plans were made for the built-up of new cities, hotels, resorts, etc. The future looked bright and full of promise. Then, in 2008, the financial crisis struck. The developers withdrew and the landscape of Spain was suddenly transformed by unfinished projects hitting the population with disaster. My project is a photographic investigation into the remains of this phenomenon. The focus of the project lays primarily on the concrete skeletons that remain in the landscape as scars of the crisis. The skeletons became abstract sculptures whose original purpose is long forgotten. Nature tries to restore to its original state and slowly but surely displaces the intervention of man.
The title of my project, Megalomania – Delusions of Grandeur; refers to the tendency of always wanting more. Financial growth cannot last forever and eventually shows cracks, the skeletons in Spain refer here as living proof of an economic crisis. These skeletons have been left behind in the landscape and are no longer reused.