"Coast Lands" is an ongoing project, got its start in late 2021. Coast Lands is an area located in the city of Costa da Caparica (near Lisbon), crossed by the Estrada Nacional (Forest Road) and bounded by the Fossil Arriba. This road gives access to campsites and beaches that stretch over a coast line of about fifteen kms and that attract crowds in summer.
Frequenting the beaches of Costa da Caparica since I was a child, I ended up being fascinated by its chaotic architecture, the construction/deconstruction of illegal houses, that for decades have been taking place along the first km of this national road.
Some of these houses originated in the 60s due to the rural exodus; others, in the 1970s after the 25th of April 1974, (the Carnation Revolution that finished a dictatorship of almost 50 years and the colonial war in Africa), with the arrival of returnees (a term that today would be referred to as displaced persons or displaced persons from war) from the former Portuguese colonies.
In addition to the fishing activity of the Costa da Caparica, Coast Lands is also a large extension of cultivation area next to the Fossil Arriba for centuries, which goes unnoticed to those who pass by Estrada Nacional.