Florecer is a project in the making that aims to illustrate, to sing and to dance the connection between nature and femininity. Both of these dimensions are in fact connected to fertility and through an ecotransfeminist poetic I question myself and the environment about this concept. What does it mean to be fertile in our time? Is a lush, abandoned forest or a field of maize? Can a mind full of thoughts and a womb capable of receiving life be equivalent in terms of fertility? How much has the value of being able to procreate and sustain our need for life influenced the conception of fertility western society? These are some of the questions that are accompanying me on this visual research and my personal journey. In fact, I started to reflect on this issue when, a year ago, I discovered that for my body is difficult to give birth.
And so, through a series of self-portraits and still-life imagines, I melt into and become part of this strong and fragile nature, free and pure but sometimes threatened, colonised and exploited. Her condition reminds me so much of the female one.