The photographs in this project contain a large amount of information and solicit as many reflections on an area, the Alto Garda (northern part of Garda lake), known as a renowned tourist destination, but that over time, also due to a lack of careful land planning and an unbridled demand for second homes and
accommodation facilities, has caused it to undergo a process of transformation that has led to its decline. The images show subjects that cannot be described as pleasing, but they make us look at them for pure aesthetic pleasure and do not want to persuade us that what we have badly constructed possesses a 'hauntingly beauty'.
These photographs depicting urbanised landscapes, where, however, there is still a relationship between figure and background, between urban areas and the natural or agricultural context. The images describe this relationship and accurately document its dramatic degradation.
There are the havoc wrought directly within the landscape frame and fragments built culpably dispersed in the countryside. Urban tritumen invaded the plain and hill, resulting in the imprisoning of the remaining agricultural plots within the built-up countryside. There are the manufacturing boxes, the tertiary boxes and the residential boxes, each 'neatly' placed in its own area and lot, in a sort of urban dissolution that did not prevent houses and factories from being located side by side.
There are the new connecting roads forced to sink beneath the ground and the old arteries encrusted with activities that thrive parasitically on passing streams. There are the dramatic disparities between buildings, the impractical juxtapositions, the self-celebratory ambitions, the infrastructural inconsistencies. There is the accidental temporariness of urban margins. Finally, there is the erosion of the mountains to produce inerts, and the land consumption that those aggregates serve to produce.
There is everything we have clumsily combined in half a century of wrong planning and uncultivated design.
A story not new, similar to many others that we can find in our country.