Orizonte is meant to be a visual path to explore the concept of voyage, of moving through space or time. The core of the research lies in some original 19th century travel diaries from which inspirational phrases are drawn and in the discovery of a forgotten collection of photographs. Relating texts and images (highlighting their sometimes dreamlike, sometimes didactic implications) has given rise to a universal travel story. / “My imagination was wandering across the sky as pure as a virgo” / Voyage as change and reflection: what have we been? where are our roots? / "A terrible storm, I didn’t know what to do, I really belived it was my life final curtain [...] then luckily, at dawn, the hurricane died out” / Suggestions from old times, subjects with an unknown identity, our or distant places, real or imaginary. Memories of anyone or our perceptions, new landscapes, elsewhere. / “I am burning with the desire to return” / To go beyond the pre-established border, to cross our limit, our orizonte. The desire to make an emotional journey into memory. / “The rising moon guided my horse and said goodbye to the horizon” / To seek one's own time, a time to be mastered. / “Sometimes time cannot be measured [...] and closing my eyes I launched myself in the universe” / The appropriation and interpretation of the photographic material has the aim of bringing to our eyes distant memories that introduce to personal travel.
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