This project derives from an insatiable desire for adventure, wandering and to discover my immediate
and distant environment. The world inspires me to use my camera to collect bits of reality from
different places, landscapes, cities, people and interiors. I am drawn to environments where new types
of rules exist – spaces that stand on the margins of the daily gaze and those that “disguise” as places
that are far from the local landscape, a fantasy that in reality comes apart in a moving way.
I enter the editing room with my images. In the post-photographic process, I work with images that I
created to produce an alternative, sometimes fictional reading of them, according to the principle of
the montage. The images themselves, by virtue of their distinct environments and types, hold an
internal logic that invites their attachment to one another and their restructuring. This allows the viewer
to identify hidden elements in the photos and creates a new environment and atmosphere that evokes
reflection, memories and emotions which are personal and collective.