This is where she left them
by Ross Gardner

University of South Wales, UK
Graduation year: 2022

portfolio shortlisted call 'BLURRING THE LINES 2022', 2022

Humanity faces a multitude of existential threats that could mean the end of human existence, whether that be self-inflicted or out of our control. As a species we stand at a delicate time, balancing our growth against our potential for destruction.

This is where she left them follows a narrative where humanity is forced to leave the Earth. Inspired by the evolution of the new space race lead by private industry and their ultimate goal of seeing humans become a multi-planetary species.

Photographing throughout the UK, I explored key locations in the development of the private space industry, which lead me to spend most of my time in Unst, Shetland, a harsh and barren landscape in the North Sea which will be home to one of the UK’s most active vertical launch sites. Spending most of my time alone with the ever-changing weather I explored Unst’ alien environment trying to understand for myself if we are in fact destined to leave. The images question our place in the universe, both present and future, and the accepted roles we play in this. Existing somewhere between documentary and fiction, the work reflects our cultures ideas of space exploration influenced by our understanding of science fiction vs. science fact, and the trust we put in global powers to either save or condemn our future.

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