Owl, fox, hedgehog, deer
by Jaka Tersek

Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Graduation year: 2022

portfolio shortlisted call 'BLURRING THE LINES 2022', 2022

The memories that are most vivid from my childhood are those of being out in the forests or playing hide and seek around a farm of my relatives. I wanted to become a farmer for a long time. Although I am first in a line of my ancestors that actually live in a bigger city, this is nothing special if you come from a country where most of the population is rural. I miss pitch-dark nights and I miss the smell of freshly cut grass. Staying in the city for too long makes me neurotic and I get a feeling that something is not right, that this life may not be real. I am aware that I will eventually have to live in a city one way or another. Therefore I belong less and less to the world I grew up with and which I thought would become my home. In this project I write and photograph places and situations that I find odd and fascinating at the same time. I write short stories that are inspired by real events and I am revisiting places and events that I am familiar with. What connects the photographs and texts together is the place where they come from - a small town in Eastern Slovenia. It's a strange journey, but I am aware of my privilege to be able to enter, observe and to reflect on what I experience. The project is issued in a format of a newspaper of 40 pages, issued in 100 copies.

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