by Beatrice Corsini

IIF - Italian Institute of Photography, Milan, Italy
Graduation year: 2022

portfolio special mention call 'BLURRING THE LINES 2022', 2022

My father’s always been a traveler, he worked on a plane, he used to fly and to be free. We didn’t use to see each other every day but we knew that distance was a relative concept and even from my room I could feel him close to me. In January 2022 he got Covid-19 which severely affected his lungs. He has been hospitalized for more than 2 months.He’s always spent time in his room, he couldn’t go out and receive visits. From our room we discovered new scenery using imagination, we opened ourselves up to new worlds to be closer. We started flying and observing the world from above as he used to do by plane, we discovered many different earthly surface, up to the moon. I didn’t find any flowers there so I came back to the planet earth. I went to my father’s hospital and I brought him a flower, he healed and bloomed again. After travelling in the space, the best landscape I saw was the expanse of his eye wrinkles the first time he visited me again. The birth of this work comes from the urge to create a connection between me and my father during his journey, I thought that taking pictures from his bed would have been an enjoyable and entertaining moment, a way to escape from his room. I wished that his closed world expanded again, I wanted to give him back his freedom. But I’m not just talking about my father’s journey through these photos, I don’t want to create distance, rather, I want to create a sense of community, of universality, everyone through his eyes can read his journey. What seems to be distance, actually is much closer than what we believe.

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