Siapa Aku (Who Am I)?
by Zuhaira Syaza

portfolio special mention call 'BLURRING THE LINES 2023', 2023

Siapa Aku (Who Am I)?, focuses on highlighting the vanishing culture and stories of Singapore's southern islanders through my photos. Capturing moments from their everyday island life, I hope to preserve and share their humble way of life for future generations. The national story of Singapore's progress often overlooks these communities, placing their cultural heritage at risk of being forgotten. Through my photographs, I want to revive awareness of their traditions and customs, from fishing methods to crafts still practiced. Photography has the power to keep memories alive long after they are gone. By sharing the islanders's perspectives and experiences in their own environment, I aim for my photos to remind viewers of the value of cultural preservation and the role storytellers play. Reflecting on my photographs, I hope viewers are inspired to appreciate the living history right in our midst, and consider how we can all work to safeguard the stories of communities on the edge of memory. Honouring those that came before us enriches our collective story, and photography can pay tribute in a meaningful way. This is what drives my 'Siapa Aku' series, to capture, share and celebrate the islanders' "Who am I?" for generations to come.

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