Habitar(ser) lésbica
by Laura María López Guzmán

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
Graduation year: 2023

portfolio shortlisted call 'BLURRING THE LINES 2023', 2023

I was born and raised in a sexist, misogynistic, and double standard morality country; where social behaviour structures are given still by a stablished Catholicism. One of the more relevant political decisions that I have taken in my life has been loving another woman, romantically and sexually; and she loves me back despite all the violence that we have had to face. This frequent fight in spaces that we live in represents a strong political statement that deserves being photographed. Habitar(ser) Lésbica is a visual manifesto that aims to engage the viewer in the intimacy of our families, that of my partner, and mine; showing the variety of emotions involved in being lesbian in the middle of a complex structured society saturated with prejudice and discrimination. In addition, this project aims to open the debate around alternative relationships that are built in more inclusive families and how love is the axis of any society that aims to find equity and freeing itself from patriarchal structures.

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