《Ms. Shen》
by Cuixia Sun

portfolio shortlisted call 'BLURRING THE LINES 2023', 2023

Size: 107 × 71cm /29.7 × 42cm / 40 × 60cm /90 × 60cm /60 × 40cm /53 × 80cm Material: artistic micro spray Creation time: March 2022 Description of works: Nowadays, we are in the tiktok era. Communication and sharing become a major theme. App, such as jitter, has been linked to the lives of every ordinary individual. Tiktok recorded my mother's "vibrate behavior" in the form of stage a photo, which triggered people's thinking about the life of the new era. Diversified video content has a variety of subtle effects on the viewer through its unique ways, which leads to a series of new individual creative behaviors, a role transformation from the guided to the re creator.

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