by Susan Wright

portfolio shortlisted call 'BLURRING THE LINES 2023', 2023

In our modern, secular society, institutional religions are becoming increasingly less important. At the same time, the longing for meaning and spirituality is unbroken. One spiritual current that offers an alternative to the major world religions is modern witchcraft. In her work Freiflug Susan Wright investigates modern witchcraft in German-speaking countries and attempts to use photography to find a possible answer to the question of what constitutes a modern witch and what worldviews lie behind contemporary witchcraft. For this purpose, she has visited spiritual places in nature, but also living spaces of witches. The photographs show landscapes and interiors, actions and gestures, but also things used for rituals or charged with spiritual meaning. The resulting book also gathers documents written by witches and various answers to the question of how being a witch is defined.

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