ach die eine ferne geliebte
by Bram De Laet

portfolio shortlisted call 'BLURRING THE LINES 2023', 2023

Using techniques like re-photography, analog photography, photograms, collage and staged images: Bram De Laet (1999) plays with elements of ambiguity, escapism and banality in his work. Ambiguity is present both thematically and photographically giving a constant friction between fiction and non-fiction, what we think is real or what we believe is real. This is built upon with De Laet’s fascination towards the banal, the everyday. The subjects in his work are recognizable everyday objects or scenes despite their abstract and alienating qualities. They’re transformed into a surreal space just for the birth of an dark yet childlike photographic image. In "ach die eine ferne geliebte" (2021-2023) the interior of a house is revealed, inhabited by a character. It plays with the lack of connection, obsession, gender and fascination. Elements that are very contemporary yet timeless. The interplay between the interior and carefully staged or manipulated images (both studio or interior shots) creates an escapist setting which is informed by the aforementioned elements. The use of a rather classical visual style confirms the definition of a photograph, something automatically from the past. Yet the work functions more like something that hasn’t happened. The work wanders in a timeless space where the viewer can explore it to form their photographic context. The project cumulates into a photobook and presentations in a space.

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