"A inconsisência do ser" opens up a dialogue with photography through the confrontation between past and present in a quest for identity. It questions the act of using photographs to preserve memories, even though they are equally ambiguous. The meaning images carry fluctuates with the layering of experiences and our perception of them constantly changes over time. Images are not plain after all. In their fragility, they become inconsistent. Text and images encourage me to reflect upon my personal relationships. Inconsistency resides in them, around us, in us, through us. I dare to analyse, scan, transform them beyond the limits of comprehension. And I invite you to do the same. Go back and forth, round and around. Find yourself just to get lost again. Discover your being in others and be aware that others can steal your being from you. Look inside. You do not know who you are at your birth and, you might not know entirely who you are at the moment of your death. Maybe afterwards, in an afterlife.